New partners

New partners

We are proud to announce that Havenbedrijf Rotterdam became Gold Partner of Recharge Earth. We are glad to work together with them on their ambition to grow the Port of Rotterdam into the most sustainable port in the world.


Bp Nederland has also joined as Gold Partner. We are very much looking forward to our collaboration! Karen de Lathouder, CEO bp Nederland: "Recharge Earth in Rotterdam is the perfect platform for us to share our ambitions with the outside world. Engage in conversations about the energy transition, the opportunities and dilemmas, and the role the industry plays in making the Netherlands future-proof.”


Shell was already Gold Partner of Recharge Earth 2021, and this great collaboration will be continued and even improved in 2022 with Shell becoming Platform Partner of Recharge Earth 2022. Marjan van Loon, president-director Shell Nederland: "Climate change places great challenges for Shell. We have to and want to change. We are working hard to be one of the drivers of the energy transition in the Netherlands. Recharge Earth give us the opportunity to present our plans and to share our thoughts with other drivers, and above all, we hope to find new collaborations and identify new possibilities to speed up the energy transition in the Netherlands.”